Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Hand-in-Hand Project UPDATE

Ken and I wanted to let you know a little more about the really good things happening in the Dominican Republic.

As many of our friends are aware by now The Hand-in-Hand Project we started in 2008 falls under a registered charity with the vision of lending assistance to the needy -- financially, mentally, spiritually. Our hope for this project has been not just a hand-out, but a hand up!

(Photo: Fabiola at the 'front door' of this family's home - they will soon be receiving aid to fix the foundation and gaping holes in the walls and roof.)

Thanks solely to Canadian support a School has been established that is helping families that are most needy. Set up in the capital of Santo Domingo, the local work is led by Fabiola de Salles (impressively, she has a Masters Degree in Therapeutic Psychology) and, as a resident who used to work for the government, she has a network of connections she uses to be very effective in getting tangible help where it is needed the most.

Both Ken and I are overwhelmed by what this woman of hope, faith, and love has been able to accomplish with the little she has financially. We have recently been informed that funds budgeted for the project are running low. However, Fabiola wrote a letter describing all the things she is still accomplishing, actually over and above her job description at Hand-in-Hand:

- Running the school with a very limited staff now;

- Tutoring children with Special Needs;

- Consulting for families;

- Coordinating help -- rides to doctor or diagnostic appointments for sick (I.e., radiology, mamograms, etc.), connecting needy families to agencies that will improve shelter / housing, provide wheelchairs, nutrition, or even a free coffin (which, when you really think about it, is a dignifying act for the next of kin).

So great is the need that these people with real faces and names will otherwise go overlooked on their own.

(Photo: A couple of precious children with special needs, all dressed up in their best donated clothes from Canada for a visit to the missionaries.)

It is humbling to see how much she is able to do with her “widow's mite” (Mark 12:41-44). This is because of her relentless compassion and dedication to help the helpless, bringing hope wherever the opportunity.

Fabiola is able to do all this because she is receiving funding from people like you. Without hesitation we commend this Hand-in-Hand Project to you for your prayerful consideration; we invite you to find joy in being able to give your gift, as it were, “unto the least of these” remembering when you do, Jesus said you do it to Me (Matthew 25:40).

(Photo: Babysitting a wee little cancer survivor. Last report she is doing well!)

Whether you a can make a one time gift or commit to ongoing monthly support, big or small, you can send it care of trusty Canadian missionaries Joseph & Ellen Anonby - Joy's mom & dad - who are overseeing the finances:

Anonby Missionary Society
Box 1286, Prince George, BC
V2L 4V3

**Write on Cheque or a Note that it is for "The Hand-in-Hand Project”.
Tax registry # 898047782 RR0001 (for tax receipts)

Thank you!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Look What Your Giving Can Do!

This wonderful boy, named Socrates, and his delighted family receive a specialized wheelchair brought over from Canada.

We are pleased to pass this along to a family who could otherwise never obtain one.

Let's get together and see what more we can do!

Friday, August 22, 2008

Introducing the "Hand-In-Hand" Project

A Dominican Republic Education Project - Opening Doors For Children Of All Abilities

is an inclusive educational project that will benefit children of all social economic levels and academic abilities in the Dominican Republic, in the capital city of Santo Domingo.

Currently, children who struggle with dyslexia, autism, or other special needs are excluded from the predominantly private school system. Medical diagnosis is unavailable and parents lack the instruction and support necessary to lead healthy families. Hand-in-Hand is a unique, inclusive educational project in the Dominican Republic. We aim to provide the following:

· Appropriate education to children of all learning abilities, as well as to those whose families live in poverty

· Medical diagnosis of learning challenges

· Counselling for families to help cope with the unique challenges of raising special needs children.

Joseph and Elena Anonby are Canadian workers in the area who, through the Anonby Missionary Society, will provide hands-on oversight to the project as well as administrate financial donations.

Joy Kutney is the Project Coordinator. Joy and Ken reside in Steveston, B.C. along with their 5 children (2 with Cleft Lip / Palate and Autism); she is passionate about the care of children and is well versed on the educational and family needs of challenged children. For more on their story see www.kenkutney.com

Fabiola Florian de Sale, M.A. (Therapeutic Psychology) is the Director of Hand-in-Hand and will be on site at the school. Fabiola has a great deal of experience running such an educational project.

We are looking for businesses, churches and friends to partner with us to plant seeds of hope – extending a hand of support to the child and the whole family.

How Does It Work?

A very reasonable rate will be paid by those families who can afford to send their children to the Hand-in- Hand centre. For families who cannot afford education for their child(ren), monthly child sponsorship opportunities will be provided to North American partners, like you. In addition, revenue generated by school tuition fees will be used to help needy families as well as financing the Director’s and teachers’ salaries. Here is the key: The project is run by the Dominican people themselves! Their salaries reflect the going rate within their country. Overhead costs are minimal with the greatest cost being the rental of a facility, and the eventual purchase of a property.

Getting Started

The start-up cost for this project is only $10,000 for the teachers’ salary and to secure a long-term facility lease. Further support of the project will go towards school equipment and child sponsorship, as well as medical and therapeutic advice.

The project will benefit approximately 100 students and their families. Keeping children in school and off the streets reduces crime and dramatically lowers the risk of violence against children.

Doctors, teachers and qualified counsellors are in place and ready to begin!

...Can you lend a hand?

PLEASE NOTE: For those interested in making a donation, money you mail in will go through a registered charitable society, and a year-end tax receipt will be issued.

c/o Anonby Missionary Society
Box 1286 Prince George, B.C.
V2L 4V3

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Hand-In-Hand Convenience

We are working to set up a secure online donation process, giving you options for how you can give. (Of course, the very best way to give is GENEROUSLY!)

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Hand-In-Hand International Service Teams

Are you interested in more than just 'sight-seeing'?

Are you open to expanding your world-view?

We are looking for people who feel they have abilities and skills to share on-hand in places like Haiti and the Dominican Republic. For people who care.

Write us with a comment: Let us know about your ideas or experiences. Short-term trips (approx. 3-6 weeks) are a great possibility to explore!